
8 Steps to setting up a successful precast plant

8 steps to set up a precast concrete production plant

Many decision makers of the building industry are searching for a new profitable way to construct and are becoming interested in investing in a precast plant - inspired by many success stories and the good prognosis for this construction segment. But starting to plan such a plant can be a huge challenge, not only for someone new to this segment.
Where do you start? What does it take? How are the processes?
We want to give you a hand and have summarized the 8 most important steps to take to start a successful precast plant with automated machinery and high-quality products.

Zuallererst werden Ihre Erwartungen definiert und Ihre Ziele gesetzt definieren, wie zum Beispiel Hohldecken, Träger, Klimadecken usw.. RECHTSRAHMEN


Firstly, the expectations are defined, and the objectives are set. You need to define the variety of products you want to produce such as slabs, beams, thermal-activated floors etc. To do so you evaluate the current and future market demand and which products you want to specialize in. Additionally, the production capacity needs to be settled - short and long term.



The standards that need to be met designing the factory, according to the local authorities need to be checked. Echo Precast Engineering usually proposes international standards and meets them but nevertheless all general regulations need to be reviewed per country before planning.


Die Gestaltung des Layouts ist das Wichtigste in der Verwirklichung einer Fertigteilanlage. In dieser Planungsphase verwenden unsere erfahrenen Ingenieure und Designer einen skalierbaren Bauplan der Produktionsanlage. Die Gestaltung des Layouts ist das Wichtigste in der Verwirklichung einer Fertigteilanlage. Die Ingenieure und Designer entscheiden, wie viele Maschinen gebraucht werden


The heart of the creation of the production plant is the layout design. In this planning phase, our expert engineers and designers work on a blue print of the scalable factory. Always considering possible growths, designing it with short- and long-term demand in mind. They define how many machines are needed (at the begging and in the future) and where to place them and will support you in optimizing the material flow through the factory – from the raw material to the finished precast elements.



In this phase all the steps of the construction process are being made: From constructing the plant structure to the installation of abutments, the electrical system, water draining and recycling system, the batching plant, the concrete supply system, production beds, storage and machine maintenance areas and supply chain and logistic system until the installation of laboratory for product testing as well as the creation of an area to store and process the concrete waste.


Parallel to constructing the plant, the manufacturing of the customized machinery begins. All machines we produce are tested and certified at our manufacturing facility before being delivered to the new plant.


The field engineer takes care of the machinery and equipment as well as the software are set up at the new plant ready to start production.


A well-trained team is essential for the efficient maintenance of the machinery and in order to meet high production standards. We will train your staff regarding production, maintenance and planning.  


Even after finalizing the plant, technical assistance by phone and online is available and part of our service. And also, the remote monitoring system integrated on the Automatic machinery allows the support team to quickly identify any technical issue.

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A production plant in 8 steps

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